A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.


As an industry leader, we believe in the Flowers by Mike way of look, style and feel in everything we do, from a professional attitude to a genuine smile that reflects a positive attitude which leads to a great working environment.

Full Time Floral Designer

Full Time Openings Available.

Job Responsibilities:
-Design retail and collection pieces in accordance with our catalog of arrangements as needed.
-Be able to create and craft custom pieces for events and special requests when needed.
-Join our team on-site for event and holiday decor installations.
-Clearly understand and construct arrangements according to customers’ requests.
-Assist in housekeeping and organizing of the coolers/flower inventory.

-Strong communication skills. Ability to take direction.
-Strong versatile design eye with the ability to switch styles as needed. Proficient in clean, modern floral design a must.
-Proper cleaning/processing of all flower types.
-Minimum of 2 years professional floral design experience.
-Organized and detail oriented
-Must be available weekdays, some holidays, and Sundays.


  • Salary:
    $18.00 - $30.00 per hour
  • Benefits:
    Employee discount
  • Schedule:
    10 hour shift
    12 hour shift
    8 hour shift
    Monday to Friday
    Weekend availability

Job Requirements